Robinson Helicopter Magneto Specialists
At Aircraft Magneto Service, we specialize in Robinson R22, and R44 Raven I and Raven II magnetos, supporting hundreds of Robinson helicopters nation wide.
We stock all of the Robinson mags for Outright and Exchange Sales.
Test/ repair same day service and 500 Hour Inspections are a 3 to 4 business day turn from the date we receive them. We refinish all the mags at 500 Hour inspections and Overhaul so your mag will operate and look factory fresh.
Here are just a few of our regular Robinson Helicopter Customers with multiple R22/ R44s in service:
Emerald City Leasing (WA)
Helicopters Northwest (WA)
Classic Helicopters (WA)
Seattle Heli Tours (WA)
Silver Hawk Aviation Training Academy (ID)
Upper Limit Aviation (UT, TN)
Mauna Loa Helicopters (HI)
Plexis Management (MT)
Seven Rivers Aviation (PA)
Specialized Avaition (CA)
Fire Fly Helicopters (MA)
California Aviation Services (CA)
Sky Helicopters (TX)
Bering Pacific (AK)
Inter Island Helicopters (HI)
Aircraft and Helicopter Maintenance (CA)
Atomic Helicopters (WA)
Bill's Helicopter Service (VA)
Birds Eye View Helicopter (RI)
Blue Hill Helicopters (MA)
CenCal Heli (CA)
Cloud 9 Helicopter (FL)
Rototex Helicopter (TX)
Eagle Heli (OH)
East Coast Helicopters (MA)
Hamilton Helicopters (MI)
Helicopter Services (TX)
Hexagon Helicopters (NE)
Light Helicopter Depot (CA)
Kissimmee Heli (FL)
Leading Edge (WA)
Makin Air Helicopters (CA)
McMahon Helicopters (MI)
Metro Heli (MA)
Mountain Ridge Heli (UT)
Northeast Helicopters (CT)
Pacific Helicopters (HI)
Orlando Heli Tours
Leading Edge Aviation (CA)