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D2000/ D3000 Dual Magnetos

In 2010 Continental Motors Inc, original manufacturer of the Dual Magneto, decided to stop production and support of the D2000/ D3000 mag. There are however some parts made by FAA/PMA manufacturers and are available.

Due to the parts issue to adequately support the Dual Mag, we have decided to stop accepting them for Repair, 500 Hour Inspection, and Overhaul/ Exchange. Kelly Aerospace is a FAA/PMA parts and exchange source.


Opinions expressed are solely those of Aircraft Magneto Service, LLC. Information provided is believed to be correct.

Consult the appropriate Manufacturers Maintenance Publication

All Photographs, "May the spark be with you" and tag lines are soley own and copy written under Aircraft Magneto Service LLC

Aircraft Magneto Service Logo is Trade Marked

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